
Monday, December 28, 2009

MOJO119 With All My Heart

Whew! This is the end of my marathon posting.

I can't believe that I had time to make this card tonight, after returning a bunch of Christmas presents after work and cooking supper when I finally got home at 7:00. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: this working thing really interfere's with my stamping! But anyway, I did it and here it is. Bermuda Bay is really a pretty color and I need to make an effort to use it more. IRL, it looks fabulous next to the Sahara Sand. Thanks so much for stopping by. Happy New Year!


  1. Very pretty card Jeanettie. I do agree that the bermuda bay is a really nice color. I love those wrap around scallop edges.

  2. AWESOME!! Love IT!


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