
Monday, April 26, 2010

Not Just A Gift Box

At first glance this may look like a gift box.  After all, it's got four sides, attractive designer paper and a pretty bow.  It's square shape could conceal any number of gifts.  Not this time.  Take a look-see here:

As I was poking around Splitcoast Stampers tonight, I came across this adorable "explosion scrapbook box."  And I immediately thought:  "I can do that."  I seem to be in a scrapbook mood lately (and I'm not even a scrapbooker).  I guess it's because I've got those nieces and nephews graduating from college and high school this year.  I keep thinking about the days when they were cute little babies and all they wanted was to snuggle on auntie's lap.  Now, they want full-time employment and I can't help them with that! 

And so I keep thinking about capturing those baby-moments (and their growing-up moments) in scrapbook pages.  I'm not sure that I'll be making these pages for their benefit or mine, but I know I'll enjoy taking the trip down memory lane.

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you have time to stamp today.


  1. What a terrific project, enjoy your trip. I find myself doing that with my girls already and they are only 3 & 6!

  2. Nice project! I've been meaning to make one of these for a couple of years now. Maybe I should try it now and add it to some mother's day gifts.

  3. awesome job on this box Jeanette, and I love your sentimental story! You are an old softy I can tell!!!


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