
Wednesday, June 2, 2010

MTSC76 Happy Birthday

It's been a long time since I've made a card for Mercy's Tuesday Sketch Challenge.  I love her sketches, so it's good to be back!  Now, I will also confess that I have long had a fascination with cards that were stitched.  Not the fake stitching that you do with a gel pen but real, honest-to-pete stitching with thread and a sewing machine.  Although I wouldn't presume to call myself a seamstress, I do know how to sew.  I make all my own curtains (and other home decor things) and I've been known to sew a skirt or two.  But I resisted stitching my cards because I was reluctant to drag out my regular sewing machine just to spend five minutes sewing cardstock!

So I began to investigate alternatives and what I kept reading about was the Janome Sew Mini.  So a couple of weeks ago I took the plunge and bought it.  It's so cute I can hardly stop looking at it!  And its super-simple to operate.  This is actually the second card I've stitched, but I forgot to take a picture of the other one before I gave it away.  I've still got some practicing to do before I'm completely comfortable sewing paper, but it's so much fun.  I especially like the zig-zag stitch (and it even matches the zig-zag pattern of the dp here)!

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you have time to stamp today!

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