
Sunday, August 15, 2010

Anni-Verve-sary Sketch and a belated color challenge

I feel like I have been SO out of the stamping loop this week!  I've been on vacation and I was away the first few days this week and since I've been back home there seems to be an awful lot to do around the house.  Why is it that a vacation from work always seems to turn into work around the house?  I need a vacation from my vacation!

Anyway I decided to give the sketches in honor of Verve's new release and anniversary a try.  There's five altogether and I'm not sure I can get them all done, but I'll give it the old college try.  I also decided to pair this card with last week's Curtain Call Act 42 color challenge.  Although I'm too late to "enter" it officially, I really like the colors.

And can I just say how much I love this "wish big" stamp?  I've used it a ton already.  I think it works for birthday cards, congratulation cards and probably more that I haven't thought of yet!

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you have time to stamp today!

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