
Friday, August 20, 2010

FTL104 Birthday

Ok, as I sit here posting this card I am watching the Red Sox play the Toronto Blue Jays and they are losing big time.  BIG TIME.  To an embarrassing degree.  So, I'm going to ignore what's happening on the tv and show you my clean and simple card that I made using the Fall-To Layout sketch challengeWarning:  this photo is freakishly disproportionate.

It's like looking at a Frankentstein head.  Really big on top then it gets strangely smaller at the bottom.  Nothing seemed to be going right with the lighting in my light box, and my card placement was just off, but after much (unsuccessful) fiddling I just had to run with what I've got here.  I've decided to blame it on bad Red Sox karma. 

Anyway, I really appreciate your taking a look at my card, and I hope you have time to stamp today!


  1. I like the combo of the little dots on the bottom panel with the big dots on the ribbon. Fun!

  2. Well it looks great to me - I love your dotty card. Perhaps after their set back the Red Sox will come out all guns blazing in the next match... I know, I know but you've got to be positive!

  3. Jen,
    Thank you for the nice comment you left on my blog....
    I love Halloween too...
    I love all the dots on your card...


Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment. And just IGNORE the ROBOT REQUEST - pretend it's not there and your comment will publish like normal!