
Friday, August 27, 2010

MTSC88 and CTD107

I love a card with a lot of layers.  That heaviness that the layers give the card feel somehow satisfying when you handle the card.  So when I saw Mercy's Tuesday Sketch Challenge this week, I knew I had to give it a go.  Then I saw the fabulous colors from the folks over at the Color Throwdown and I set to work.

For some reason, whenever I see layers like this I want to drag out my adorable Janome Sew Mini and zig zag some stitching on my cards.  So today I did!  I just love that little machine.  So glad I bought it!

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you have time to stamp today!


  1. Oh so pretty! Love your stitching and that pretty main panel. Lovely way to showcase our palette!

    Thanks for playing along with the CTD this week!

  2. This is so neat and crisp and pretty!! Thanks for playing in the Color Throwdown this week!


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