
Monday, September 6, 2010

MOJO155 {Is It Christmas Already?}

When I was a kid, I remember my grandmother saying she was "all balled up" when she was confused about something.  I had never heard the expression and I thought it must have been some Canadian thing.  She was from New Brunswick and was fond of telling me that she was from "down east."  Now, I am from Massachusetts and since I diligently studied geography in school, I knew for a fact that New Brunswick was in no way down (which I took to  mean south) of Massachusetts.  I couldn't convince her otherwise, so I left her to her fantasy.  I had forgotten about the saying until I was an adult and had some work experience in the customer service field.  Once in a while I had an older customer who would call about some issue and tell me that he/she was "all balled up."  I began to see that this was a very useful expression.

I tell you this little anecdote from my past, because I am completely balled up when it comes to the newest MOJO sketch.
Everywhere I have been looking in blogland I was seeing Christmas cards.  So I decided that I was going to do my first 2010 Christmas card and I was going to use one of my favorite stamps:  Dasher.  So, I'm plugging away cutting, and stamping, and embossing and tying the ribbon etc. etc.  I've pretty much got the whole thing together when I look at the sketch again to make sure I haven't forgotten anything when I realize:  I'm all balled up!
The ribbon is supposed to be IN FRONT OF the circle and the bow is supposed to be on the RIGHT.  Oops!  This is not the first time I've messed up a sketch and I'm sure it won't be the last.  In any event I love the embossed reindeer.  The embossing is almost perfect, no stray pieces of embossing powder anywhere!  Hopefully the MOJO-ers will forgive me and my poetic license with the sketch!

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you have time to stamp today!


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