
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

MOJO158 Snowflakes

As I'm sure you're ALL aware, the last MOJO sketch of the month is a choice between round or square.  A lot of times I like to pick the round because, really, how often do you need a round card?  Admit it, they're pretty cool and as a bonus they invoke the "wow factor" with the recipient.

Yet despite all of the reasons to make a round card, this week I chose to make a square one! (Mostly because I was too lazy to dig out my Circle Scissors Plus or whatever I else I could dig out to cut circles)!!  So anyway I made this christmas card using some retired dsp (will I EVER use it all up???).

I think I really love it.  I smooch spritzed the snowflakes (although I doubt you can see it in the picture) so they are quite sparkly.  If you don't have any smooch spritz, I highly recommend that you get some.  I think they make the world go round!

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you have time to stamp today!


  1. Jen, this is so very adorable...I luv the colors...have a super day!

    enjoy *~*

  2. I just wanted you to know that I love your card and I totally understand about the circle cutter :)


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