
Thursday, March 17, 2011

Color Lab Challenge 33

Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone!  I hope you have a chance to celebrate Irish-style today.  I look terrible in green, so I'll be wearing my shamrock earrings to work!  I'm sure my Irish grandfather would be proud!

Today is also ColorLab challenge day in my house.  Julie's got some great colors for us to try this week.

I see Pear Pizzazz and I automatically think "flowers."  I've basically been handed a leaf or a stem on a silver platter and I'm ready to take up the challenge.

I decided to go long and skinny for this card.  The card base is just a 6 1/2-inch square scored in half.  It's a nice size and fits perfectly in the SU! open end envelopes.  I love changing things up and making cards in something other than A2 every once in a while.

I think Marina Mist is a great blue color and it looks really nice embossed with the Elegant Lines embossing folder.  When I first started to assemble this card, I realized that the blue would show off a little better if it was stamped or embossed.  Your eye is then drawn to it and admires it (I hope!).  I ended up choosing this embossing folder because of it's delicate look.  It doesn't over-power the floral image of the card, but enhances it in some way.  It's really quite lovely, and if you don't have it, I recommend that you get it!

Thanks for stopping by today and don't forget to visit the ColorLab and check out the challenge this week.  We'd love to see what you create with these colors!


  1. Marina Mist is so pretty with the embossing! I think flowers when I see the greens, too. I love the non-standard size...perfect to show off all the elements.

  2. Love this pretty folder and agree that it enhances the card without overpowering it. Have a lovely weekend Jen!

  3. Great card Jen! Love the different size of card and how you combined the colors and different elements!!!


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