
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

UDI42 and Cards & Things 85

From Erna, I've discovered a new challenge website, Cards & Things.  I'm a challenge junkie, so today I've combined their latest sketch challenge with the color challenge at Utah Divas International.

I actually found this color challenge a little challenging!  I suppose that's the point, but sometimes I wish I didn't have to think so hard about how I wanted my card to end up!  I wanted a "hello" card, but ended up with a thank you card, because I didn't have a stamp that said "hello."

Obviously, I am going stamping shopping soon in order to rectify my lack of a "hello" stamp.  I still can't believe I don't have that sentiment, or something like it.  Unthinkable!  But fortunately, "thank you" is always a sentiment that I have no trouble using.  It seems like I've always got some reason to thank someone for something!

Thanks for stopping by today!


  1. What a beautiful card! You obviously need the new "My Friend" set! ;D I got it on my sneak peek order, and I absolutely LOVE it! I've used the "Hello" stamp several times already!

  2. I can't believe you don't have a hello stamp Jen! Go shopping at once! I love this layout and you always make a great job of the colour challenges.

  3. Hi Jen, Glad you found our challenge! You did a great job on the challenge and the colors!! It's beautiful!!
    And do you have your "hello" stamp yet, you should have run to the store to get one, LOL.

  4. I really love this sketch and what you came up with. I'm going to try this out this week. I wanted to say that I enjoy your blog and refer to it often :)


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