
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

colourQ 131

Since Easter is just around corner, it would be remiss of me to not make a card to celebrate.  Since I was a kid I've associated Easter with warm temperatures (hinting at the summer to come) and lovely colors (hinting that the drab colors of winter are behind us).  Luckily the challenge this week at colourQ was chock-a-block full of springy colors and gave me the perfect opportunity to show off my meager stash of Easter-appropriate stamps!

I had actually forgotten about this cute little bunny stamp, but I came across it as I was desperately searching for something I could use that would be even vaguely Easter-like.  I especially like the innocent, wide-eyed expression on his cute little bunny face.  And those ears are beyond adorable.

Actually his ears remind me of the first time I got a look at a real bunny.  When I was a kid, one of my friends had a pet bunny and up until I saw her pet, my only experience with rabbits involved Saturday morning Looney Tunes.  I thought all rabbits looked like Bugs Bunny!  Imagine my surprise when I got a look at my friend's round ball of fluff with ears that did not, in fact, stand up but instead were small and lay flat against his little head.  Oh, the disappointment!

Anyway, enough of this little trip down memory lane.  You should now head on over to colourQ and check out the inspiration from the design team.  Once again, there's some amazing inspiration for you.  I hope you have a chance to play along with us!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Well, this little bunny is as cute as can be....and some real-life bunnies do have ears that stand up! Some don't, but the ones we see are all wild and BROWN!

  2. This card is divine Jen! Thank you so much for picking my card as a Perfect Princess at Freshly Made Sketches - much appreciated :)

  3. Super cute Easter card the bunny :) !!! Hugs ~S~

  4. How could you forget about this bunny?!?!? Just about the cutest rabbit I have ever seen - love this card!

  5. Happy Easter, Jen! ACK! LOVE this funny bunny! What a cute card. Hope your dat was wonderful, and thanks for joining us at ColourQ this week!

  6. Sorry, I just now realized I said "thanks for JOINING us!" LOL, thanks for being such an awesome DT member! Sorry, my brain is soooo fried! ;D Hope you had a lovely easter!


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