
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Shiver Me Timbers

I know that parrots can be taught to speak a little, but with this card I think I've officially got the smartest pirate parrot there is.  He can speak in complete sentences!  He is from Black Beard's Loot and he gets his famous sentence from Treasure Island.  Both can be found at The Alley Way Stamps.

I used the soft colors at Dynamic Duos and paired it with the Mojo sketch.  For the circle on the sketch I used a bit of burlap and it wasn't until I went to photograph the card that I thought the burlap called to mind a bird's nest.  Not exactly, but that's my story and I'm sticking to it!

Thanks for stopping by today!


  1. This card just makes me smile, Jen :) Love it! The touch of burlap for the circle is fabulous. Great use of the mojo sketch :)

  2. Very cute, I like the bit of texture!

  3. Love your sweet parrot and all the textures!
    So glad you could join us at Dynamic Duos this week!

  4. Such a cool card!!...AND...did you know that today (19 September) is "Talk Like A Pirate Day" your card is totally relevant and pop-culture-sensitive!! YAY!
    Thanks for joining us at Dynamic Duos this week. Arrrrr!

  5. This is beyond cute! I love your burlap "nest" (a happy accident? I say not! It's pure creative subconscious genius!) Thanks for sharing with us at Dynamic Duos this week :)


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